In 1979, teachers from Sweetwater Education Association (SEA) and Chula Vista Elementary Education Association (Now “CVE”), with a large amount of foresight, came together to establish South County Teachers United as a means of better providing services to their members from the California Teachers Association. 

The original partnership between SEA and CVE was joined by the Southwest Teachers Association (SWTA) in 1985, then later by the Sweetwater Counseling & Guidance Association (SCGA) and the National City Elementary Teachers Association (NCETA), and most recently was joined by the San Ysidro Education Association (SYEA), in 1997.

SCTU acts as a “nerve center”, delivering a wide variety of services to all CTA members in the South County area, as well as providing meeting rooms, secretarial services and housing the two full-time CTA staff representatives, Helen Farias and Lian Shoemake, who provide assistance to local members and local association leaders.

If you are not familiar with SCTU, feel free to drop by for a visit.  Our office is located at 1061 Tierra Del Rey Ste. 100, Chula Vista, 91945, behind 24 Hour Fitness and Regal Theater.  It is, and always has been, developed and supported by a portion of your CTA, NEA and local association dues.  In other words, it belongs to you!